Best Air Fryers For 2023

Best Air Fryers For 2023

An air fryer is a machine that allows you to cook food by blowing hot air around it and cooking it to a crispy crust. The ability of using hot air for frying allows you to very effectively brown food and caramelize sugars.

The airfryer can be imagined as a small version of a typical convection oven. It can cook smaller amounts of food, and it is most commonly used to unfreeze and brown deserts like frozen French-fries and KFC. The fryer unfreezes it quickly and also browns it.

The fan is used to drive the hot air over the food and fry it. The air itself is heated with a coil.

Air fryers are becoming more popular, since they allow to cook the food without using too much oil, and that allows for healthier eating. They are also great for unfreezing food.



Post time: Jun-17-2023